you stop me like a traffic lightmy savior from a certain crashgrasping the chaotic chancethe long shot in the see we are incompatiblewith di..
When our eyes meetthe past and the futuregive way...Under a lovers moonpassionate surrendersneed no words to say...When dreamers kissin such silvery l..
sultry smooth olive skin calls to meplump rosie lips and coco coloured eye'ssend me to the melancholy clouds...silken fingers slip through my mind lik..
teary nights in thisblurry tea light glowbehind their eyesare the coloursof tomorrow sunny raindrops breaklike chrystle..blinding the ferrymandeeply d..
off in the distanceparticles to wavesimaginary kisses fromunforgotten daysbroken glass bottlesmessage no moreshards of yesterdaysoftened..
a mysterious milk thistle flowerblankets this unknown hillsidelike a sea of freckled faced childrensurrenderingto the evenings lullaby...purplish bloo..
If I had three wishesI would only need oneThe taste of your lipsin early morning sunIf I had two wishesI would only need oneThe taste of your lipsin t..