Nenorocit/Hitsuki Rei

Nenorocit/Hitsuki Rei


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About Me

I am:

1) An atheist

2) An Ex - Christian (catholic)

3) A person who enjoys thinking out stupid things such as "when a tree falls in a forest, and you are not there, does it make a sound?"

Which, by the way, the answer is yes. it does. Knowing is independent of existing. Just because I didn't know you exist, doesn't mean you didn't exist till I came to know you. So based on that logic, it made a sound. Like dropping an egg: there is a sound. Dropping a coin: there is a sound.

So theoretically, if the tree follows what we know as the formalities of the world. Then yes. There should be a sound.

4)A reader of action/thrillers/mystery/crime. Favorite authors that come to mind would be Matthew Reilly. Other then that, I also like Jeffery Deaver. Scarecrow & the Invisible Man are good reads.

5)I'm rather sickly, and I have a catalog of medical problems. Now I know there are people in this world, who are more unfortunate than me, but because I'm such a selfish - mind the French - b*****d, I shall say that the world is fucked up and that we all should just die.

I question life. What is the point of living? Its the good old question again, when one might wonder, what is the point of my existence. Then some smartypants will reply 'the answer to life can be found by living it''

Which I don't get. Because there isn't really much that leaves me attached to it. Not that it matters. Oh and sob stories about others don't work on me (sadly). I've grown into a sadist, who sees the cruel side to life.

And as they say, misery loves company.

6) I like psychology. Its interesting. Why do those killers go and kill people? Why does one fear destruction? What is the meaning behind the random messages. Is there a reason behind his killing? But I think you knew that from point 3.

7) I like drawing as well. I read manga, and watch a lot of anime. A good dose of wacky complex plot lines and irony, and all the melodramatic schemes never fails to vanquish the boredom, if only temporarily.

8) If I had idols, I would say they would be Lelouch Vi Britannia, just for the fact he ascends the throne - in a school uniform. And perhaps also classic DC & Marvel heroes like Batman & Spider-man. I mean seriously. How does Peter cope with saving the world even when the world his against him?

That's a hero. Someone who does the right thing regardless of the odds. Something which I will never be, considering I'm rather calculative, and pay little attention to good morals. As far as I'm concerned, all it takes is for a little madness.

Some havoc and chaos. Then we'll see how civilized humans really are.

9) I guess you could call me an anarchist. I don't see the point in self improvement. Its merely an indulgence. Why does one deny what one is? You can fight your nature, or you can accept it.

Or you could try to conform yourself to society, and 'improve' yourself. Which fails.

10) For real life idols. Ok. Not really idols. People I respect. I'll name some people like Stalin, Hitler and perhaps Alexander the Great. Those people were really...unsatisfied? And they basically, just announced to the world that they were supreme, though they would probably die.

And they're selfish. Somewhat. Not really Alexander. He was just badassed. But aside from him, the rest were all - mind my French - bastardly a******s who needed a kick in their face to set them straight.

But, that's the whole beauty of it. What makes them tick?

11)Oh, I forgot to mention, I'm frightened of pain. Which is probably the reason why I'm not dead right now.

12)French, Polish & Romanian accents are one of the few sexiest accents in the world. Not that its a given. But its a general thing. You have to admit, accents are rather attractive.

Then again, its all relative. Some accents are just plain annoying.

13)I'm a male. But I guess you figured that out? And no, I'm not the conformist male, who sticks to society's stereotypes for males. I like shojo manga (girl manga), I occasionally read romance, and I find Edward Cullen to be a somewhat appealing person, if I was a girl. Still, you can't deny the gentlemanly charm he has. A lot of males are all b******s. Forgive my French again.

14)I'm not a Twilight fan. Real vampires shouldn't shine in the sun, and they should burn at the touch of a crucifix. And burn in the sun. And they should be a whole lot more vicious. And self accepting. If you are a monster, then you are one.

No point trying to be some hybrid crap. Accept it. There's a reason why you vampires are around, you know...

To balance the food chain.

15)I play RPG games. Fallout series, Dragon Age Origins, Mass Effect, Oblivion, NeverWinter Nights, Baldur's Gate, Final Fantasy, Persona, GTA (though it doesn't really conform to RPG. More like...action something something?) God of War (though that's more hack and slash)

16) This wasn't intended to be an essay. I'm a nocturnal person, so I can't sleep. And I tend to be rather lengthy in my ''insomnia-ness''.


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Posted 15 Years Ago
