Roxanne Fagri : Writing

Are you drunk?

Are you drunk?

A Story by Roxanne Fagri

I’m becoming quiet cynical in my old age, as my last post ‘The Murtaugh List’ may have suggested. There are just things that surely ..
The Murtaugh List

The Murtaugh List

A Story by Roxanne Fagri

In light of my recent 28th birthday, in the throes of one of the worst hangovers of my life, I turned to my favourite series,How I Met Your Mother, fo..
A Toast to Tinder

A Toast to Tinder

A Story by Roxanne Fagri

After shamelessly scrolling through Tinder (I’m almost 30, the struggle is real) I decided to document some of the reactions/questions/thoughts ..
A letter to my 23-year-old self

A letter to my 23-year-old self

A Story by Roxanne Fagri

I am aware that people usually write letters to their teenage selves. What can I say; I was a care-free teen, with not a single worry in the world. It..
You are the weakest link, goodbye.

You are the weakest link, goodbye.

A Story by Roxanne Fagri

I recently posted a Facebook status regarding an observation I made while patiently waiting for a media event to begin. It read the following: “..
Moody b***h

Moody b***h

A Story by Roxanne Fagri

Along with my lighthearted, bubbly, and frankly all around contagious personality, comes a dark side that my brother refers to as being an MB (aka Moo..
Hi, I’m Roxanne, and I am single.

Hi, I’m Roxanne, and I am single.

A Story by Roxanne Fagri

Now a days being single automatically places you in the same category at those struck with leprosy back in the days when Jesus was alive. It’s n..