Thanks for reviewing 'For Janet Bottomley (Aged 9)', Shawna.
Janet was my next-door neighbour and school classmate in England in the 1960s and early 1970s. At least I have a class photograph to remind me of her... she and I are sitting next to one another, and she's looking really cutely at me.
She was a gifted writer, and it was she who talked me into trying to write. So she had a lot to answer for...
(She died seven days after my family moved to Northern Ireland; to this day I've wondered, what if I had been there?)
Thanks for the review, Shawna.
I won a competition with that one... 'the most disgusting haiku (no swearing allowed'.
Congratulations on your latest success!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, I don't agree with it either, which is why The Wyckham House is coming down as soon as it is done.
With a little revising to make your Alice tale less naughty, it would be totally marketable. It's surreal, dark, and disturbing---everything I like in a story! LOL
Congrats on selling your stories; I hadn't thought of selling to anthologies, but I can't write a short story to save my life! They all turn into novels.
Thanks for the reviews on the latest chapters of The Wyckham House, Shawna! I appreciate your readership and sound advice. I'm down to the last four chapters, and it will be done! I may not post them; I may just send them to the four people who have been faithfully reading... ;-)
What happened to all your stories? I especially liked the one about when Alice returns to Wonderland. ;-)
Thanks for reviewing 'Her Little Apertures', Shawna, I'm glad you liked it.
I know 'uncouth' doesn't exactly rhyme with 'mouth', but that's part of the fun of it. (I know you didn't say it doesn't rhyme, but that's part of the fun of it as well.)
Cheers, my dear.