I have no clue what Krshna taught Arjunabut I like the name Atman a lot.Atman. Atman. Where a man is at.At all times. No matter what.Gita, get in the ..
Bear’s certainit’s a bearalone with salmonit’s a bearon the mountainit’s a bearup a canyonit’s a beareating berriesit&rs..
Off the train I hit the streetsand start laughing. This is ridiculous,incomprehensible. How can innumerable bipedshave individual inner lives. Why are..
Biology TED talk, Ken Burns WWIIMultiple choice plus open response =Teacher cares, out there among the EnglishMathematics, fractions to imaginary iAny..
I waited too longto mow my lawnbiopsy my lungyet lived long enough, anon,however long is long.Whatever. It's not wrongto count alongwhile busy living...
Jack awoke in his usual pain, un-daunted by it. We're all gonna diesomeday is his morning mantra these days.Isolate the variable, anythingyou do to on..
Is war coming? Are we headed for another crazy cataclysm?My sons, draft age. Only now can I appreciate the painso sharp it drains the color from one's..
I'm dead. Unlike Frost and Yeatsnothing I've said will be remembered.Unlike Roosevelt and Lincolnnothing I'm thinking will win the war.I'm going to go..
What a city I murmur to myself looking at its map.We approached the city known as Dis,with its vast army and its burdened citizens.At last we reached ..
Lonely bagelLoneliness bagelThe bagel of lonelinessTogetherness bagelThe bagel of being togetherBagel of belonging