ron : Writing

One step closer to a thousand heartbeats

One step closer to a thousand heartbeats

A Poem by ron

One step closer to a thousand heartbeats From my heart to yours, in the blink of a breath. A sigh means more when I think..
Unto the sunset

Unto the sunset

A Poem by ron

Unto the sunset Unto the sunset our shadows will fall.
And into a new light I was born

And into a new light I was born

A Poem by ron

And into a new light I was born Look into my eyes, look into my soul. My soul looks back on a full moons light… rav..
What I am afraid to tell her

What I am afraid to tell her

A Poem by ron

What I am afraid to tell her I have become what you want, what other wanted me to be and less of who I am. I no longer kn..
We were more than what they wanted us to be

We were more than what they wanted us to be

A Poem by ron

Another poem for my Wolfhound brothers in 3/27
In honor of a fellow brother John Villanueva and all of my Wolfhound brothers 3/27 Battalion 7th inf

In honor of a fellow brother John Villanueva and a..

A Poem by ron

In Honor of all my original Army brothers.
He stood his ground

He stood his ground

A Poem by ron

He stood his groundOn a rocky cliff,He was mortally hit.On a rocky cliff he gave his life,so his brothers could live.Looking into his brothers ey..
My good bye

My good bye

A Poem by ron

My good bye Holding a bayonet, I only wish I had the courage to pierce it, through my heart. I have hurt and let down so ..
In the hearts of Angels

In the hearts of Angels

A Poem by ron

In the hearts of Angels Across the blue seas, I feel you. Across time I hear your heart. I believe in your love, I..
In rows they marched for freedom

In rows they marched for freedom

A Poem by ron

In rows they marched for freedom On dawns early morning light they stood, looking across the battlefield their resolve stood strong. ..