Rogie-Dodge : Writing

Dog - Haiku :)

Dog - Haiku :)

A Poem by Rogie-Dodge

My pup runs outside. The dog next door is on heat He howls at the fence
Ocean - haiku

Ocean - haiku

A Poem by Rogie-Dodge

Distant ocean roar Softly yet insistently Sculpting the sand dunes
Fish - Haiku

Fish - Haiku

A Poem by Rogie-Dodge

Walking by the lake, My shadow on the water. The fish swim away
The Leap of the Faithless - Song

The Leap of the Faithless - Song

A Poem by Rogie-Dodge

A song about where I am now. A scary place.
Falling - song

Falling - song

A Poem by Rogie-Dodge

song lyrics
'Tis the season

'Tis the season

A Poem by Rogie-Dodge

a sad time of year
Dark Wolves

Dark Wolves

A Poem by Rogie-Dodge

They're hiding in the shadows of my mind.Lurking.Prowling.Dark wolves stalking their prey.I hear them in the depths of the night.Pacing.Growling.Surro..


A Poem by Rogie-Dodge

When things seem most difficult, that is when your true self emerges like a star to guide you
The child

The child

A Poem by Rogie-Dodge

I printed this out and drew an illustration for it. I hope you like both :D
Fun: Call me Mr Squishy

Fun: Call me Mr Squishy

A Poem by Rogie-Dodge

I'm just a bunch of squishers in a squishy bag of skin.