Just a small poem asking why everyone feels that they can control me.
This is a short poem about finding what you've lost, what is missed finding just another piece of a crushed part of your life.
I have many secrets and post this too if you have many but say some of your own!
Linny has always been unknown, no one sees her, she barely exsists. But what happens when someone sees into her heart and understands her life, will s..
This is Linny Chapman she is 16 years old, has green eyes, purple dyed hair, an average sized chest and thick hips, she has no parents, li..
In Linny's POV.
Somethings are needed some are wanted. And if you want something doesnt mean you need it!
I dont, you dont, no one does completely knows.
Slash coma
This poem describes what i feel about a never ending friendship that i still have.