rockgrl911 : Writing

Missing You

Missing You

A Poem by rockgrl911

This poem is about what it's like for me when i miss my certain someone in my life right now and how being w/ him makes me feel
Love <3

Love <3

A Poem by rockgrl911

this peom is about what my relationship with my boyfriend is like and what we do
Little Girl

Little Girl

A Story by rockgrl911

it is about a girl that finds someone she loves, but they may love something else instead of her. It can get gorey, but i think it is probably my best..


A Poem by rockgrl911

this is a very random poem i can up w/ & its weird, but plz b nice w/ da comments :D thx u
No one 2 blaME

No one 2 blaME

A Poem by rockgrl911

This song is about some1 tht rly ignoyed my friends and I and i had 2 cut a part of the song out 4 reasons, and the song takes place over a few yrs an..