Rob Jay : Writing

The Dead Zone

The Dead Zone

A Story by Rob Jay

Radiation is a killer. And not the fast kind of death either. The last b*****d who got exposed to these levels vomited for seven months before he gav..
The New York Witch-Queen

The New York Witch-Queen

A Story by Rob Jay

THE NEW YORK WITCH-QUEEN And so begins the tale of the Brooklyn Witch-Slayer on a chilly Spring night. It was two hours before sunrise and ..
The Social Climber

The Social Climber

A Poem by Rob Jay

My first real attempt at Poetry
Sean's Four-Thirty

Sean's Four-Thirty

A Story by Rob Jay

A conflict between Drug Addiction and Conscience
The Lunatic Asylum

The Lunatic Asylum

A Story by Rob Jay

Friends do things for each other, right?
John Luther

John Luther

A Story by Rob Jay

My first delve into the sci-fi/horror realm--A story about a man, John Luther.


A Story by Rob Jay

A high school junior struggles with a family plagued by Huntington's Chorea
Hotel Party

Hotel Party

A Story by Rob Jay

Two college students take a Euro-trip to Moscow in the early 1990's.


A Story by Rob Jay

A high school drop out enlists in the army.

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