Rob Callahan

Rob Callahan


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Minneapolis, MN
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About Me

Rob Callahan enjoyed moderate success as a writer until the day he gave his own life secretly saving the world from a zombie apocalypse.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Pardon me for taking such a long time in accepting your friendship, I lost the password to this account until today. Thanks for the invitation, and I'll be reading some of this animally fictiony science that looks interesting.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Pardon me for taking such a long time in accepting your friendship, I lost the password to this account until today. Thanks for the invitation, and I'll be reading some of this animally fictiony science that looks interesting.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I loved the self publishing comment. that thread made me feel like if I published my book any other way but the costly one I would be seen as a fake writer, but the truth is that I just want to get my writing out there because twenty people have told me I should. I know that sounds goofy, but I told my high school teacher when he told me to publish my stuff that "I'll do it when 19 people agree with you"

But I'm afraid my grammar is just as bad as hers... do you know any cheap editors?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey Rob -- were you ever over looking around at the House of Pain archives, because I think you have fiction that reminds me some of the heyday of that website. You will learn really fast that there was a huge rivalry between and The House of Pain, namely because the old editor of actually tried to sue Brigit Knox. My becoming the co-editor on The House of pissed off some former contributors, namely Mike E. Purfield since he hated people of authority. He put me in his crosshairs and tried to f**k over projects I did. Check out that site and let me know what you think of some of the web fiction.
         You might find some familar names in the small press because that site was a who's who of the small press and who'd end up being a major player as far as editors go. One of the writers I befriended later on is Eric S. Brown, I knew some about him back when I was there but when we became good friends is after I became part of the NSP Books roster. Many of the authors there ended up getting published on bigger publications. I figured since you wrote your story Phallus In Wonderland there is a story you might be interested in by Nicholas Tillemans titled Baby Hunter. Hell even John Edward Lawson was on there with a story -- check this one out. Leash Law. I couldn't find Baby Hunter so I am going to link his story, Acetone Enema. It's pretty damn gross. My stories on there are The Ferryman's Wheelchair, Gruesome Cargo and The Fandom Writer. The email address I have there isn't active anymore but if you want to comment on them you can do so here or on myspace.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Judging by your "About Me," you would benefit from the Zombie Survival Guide!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

hey, thanx for the friend request. Why does your name sound so familiar?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

thanks for adding me to your friends. i'll do some reviews as soon as my adsl comes back on. have a great day.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hi there.
Welcome to this site. ;)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hello, thank you very much for adding me to your friends. How are you doing?

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Posted 18 Years Ago

THE time has come...! Don't Rub Salt in the Heartbreak by Heather Angelika Dooley is NOW available for Pre-Orders as of February 28, 2007! After placing your pre-orders, it will take about 2-3 weeks for your order to be delivered. ??

You can place your pre-orders at the publisher's website at the following URL:?


Thank YOU for all your support,

Don't Rub Salt in the Heartbreak