matelotrod : Writing

Taken Prisoner

Taken Prisoner

A Poem by matelotrod

Climate change maybe!
Am I different?

Am I different?

A Poem by matelotrod

Age related, it will happen to us all unfortunately but if you learn to live with it, it will be OK.
Alcoholic Mystery

Alcoholic Mystery

A Poem by matelotrod

Do we have to believe everything they say?
Technological Nightmare

Technological Nightmare

A Poem by matelotrod

based on a true happening.
Tick toilet tick box

Tick toilet tick box

A Poem by matelotrod

Written when many public conveniences were full of ridiculous orders that were to be obeyed and Ticked before the toilet was used
The longest Mile

The longest Mile

A Poem by matelotrod

This was written when we were losing war hero's and I thought a tribute should be given to our Fallen Hero's
Crude Gratitude

Crude Gratitude

A Poem by matelotrod

Never trust a squirrel
True Grit

True Grit

A Poem by matelotrod

Just an early warning to our local councils
Grim Reaper.

Grim Reaper.

A Poem by matelotrod

Pure fiction
Mistaken Identity

Mistaken Identity

A Poem by matelotrod

Mistaken Identity My eyesight has been failing quite rapidly I can never be sure of the things that I see I squint with my left eye t..