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Atlanta, GA
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About Me

Sometimes I feel we are all just moving shadows on Plato's cave wall. In this illusion we are all stuck working 40 years of our lives running through the same routine, day in and day out. Why live stuck on this wall called society? Life is too short to waste away working for something you really don't want (money) and trading it away for things that you really do want (food, beer, toys, etc). Life is meant to be enjoyed, grabbed by the horns and lived as if there is no tomorrow. If I had my way I'd drink tea, train, read, write and learn different languages, play chinese board games, paint, drink beer and wine; and go see a different music performance every night whether it be a DJ, orchestra, jazz quartet, opera singer, etc. Unfortunately the world doesn't work like that so my backup plan is to go into intellectual property law where I can combine my love of Chinese board games with work and make as much money as possible in a compressed period of time. Then I shall finally be free to do my liking.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

whats up?...welcome, and such chitchat i suppose...