Not long after that, Jesus traveled to a city called Nain. His students went with him, as did a large crowd of people. He came across a funeral proces..
Now someone approached Jesus and said, “Teacher, what good must I do to gain eternal life?” Jesus answered him... “If you wish to en..
So when he came down from the mountain a lot more people wanted to become his students. And check it out! A leper approached him. He kneeled at Jesus&..
My rendering from the Greek of the Didache, and early Christian manual, dated somewhere between AD 70 to AD 150
My translation of the Book of Revelation which can be found in The New Peace Treaty: A New Translation of the New Testament for a New Millennium
A SHORTENEDHISTORY OF CHRISTIANITYINTRODUCTIONSometime during the Passover celebration, around the year 30 C.E., something wholly unremarkable occurre..
BOOK ONEA CHOSEN PEOPLEThe Significance of the History of Israel and the Role of the Historian When Considering Biblical Literature The purpose of t..
CHAPTER IFrom Abraham to Egyptc. 2000 B.C.E.The story of Israel, at least as far as its nationhood is concerned, begins with the figure of Abraham. If..
CHAPTER IIFrom Egypt to ExileAncient Egypt was apparently blessed by the gods long before Joseph and his family ever arrived. The Nile river, the cent..