War is without thinking,A life with freedom,Anddignity,A choice for death,And a choice to live.In the end,U would of gave your life,of the sake of oth..
I am red,Just like blood,and i have a long tale,that sticks in mud.I'm mostly seen on,Valentines day,the time of love,forhappiness+ u. I could be seen..
The world revolves around me,The walls of history,You don't know me,Cause i'm amystery.I'm a shadow,In the dark,I live in London, From the start.Big B..
I can hide in the dark,Never to be seen,Until titanic bumped into me,I win and Sail,Were ever the water flows,i getstumbleduponwere ever i go.I only f..
I am wet each day,In every single way,I float from in the sky,And i do not lie.I'm white like a page,I move for miles,but i shall fade,And i'm glad I ..
My heart is a rock,I have been stumbled on too many times,My life is at risk,Its starting to twist,As i become blind.I cant look at all,I just feel so..