dan : Writing

The Thinker's Soul

The Thinker's Soul

A Poem by dan

what do YOU think?
a black friday

a black friday

A Poem by dan

on this day a martyr laid down His life for you and me
write angles

write angles

A Poem by dan

sometimes writing a piece reveals more secrets (and angles) than intended
The Blame

The Blame

A Poem by dan

I was in a bizarre mood when I wrote this. Please excuse if it's s****y.
the darkness of light

the darkness of light

A Poem by dan

dark and light, black and white...interchangeable?


A Poem by dan

a deal with the devil? blood splatter drama in color
a camellia grows

a camellia grows

A Poem by dan

spring may have finally arrived...do you wanna bet?
Minutes of Madness

Minutes of Madness

A Poem by dan

one of those days when everything's just a LITTLE BIT off....
Tell Me (What's Going On?)

Tell Me (What's Going On?)

A Poem by dan

a mystery mood and all questions asked
Covert Confidential

Covert Confidential

A Poem by dan

if you spy on me I will spy on you...who's got more to reveal?