L. Rigdon

L. Rigdon


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About Me

I was born in Ukiah, California the day before Thanksgiving in 1981. Raised with my older brother, my parents have moved my family from Ukiah, to San Jose, and finally to Modesto. My family was very close, and we still try to be. In 1999 I graduated from Ceres High School, graduating with honors at the top 15 percentile of my class. I went to junior college after that, changed my major at least four or five times before I decided I wanted to work in the real world.
Four years of real-world work experience taught me a lot but also left me injured with tendinitis in both arms, my neck, and my shoulders. Now I'm back at college, CSU Stanislaus to be specific, as an English major with a minor in journalism.
Due to my injury I've had to adapt a lot of my habits, such as right now I'm entering this information using a dictation program (how I love technology). This injury has impaired my writing and my drawing a bit but I'm learning to work with my injury instead of against it. My injury does not hinder my creativity or my imagination, so I will not let it keep me down!
Other than that, I am a happily married woman living in Turlock, California. My husband, Robert, is a computer technician, and is my biggest supporter throughout all of my troubles and triumphs. I've only been published for my poetry, but hope to change that within the next couple of years.


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Posted 18 Years Ago

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Hi, Everyone:

I wish you a happy holidays and best wishes. I want to thank everyone for taking the time to look at my page, any reviews or comments. I am taking a semi-break and will be back in full force in January 2007.

Happy Holidays,
Scott Grant Eckert


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Posted 18 Years Ago


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Posted 18 Years Ago

Just wanted to say hello, welcome to the Cafe.

I love the Undead series, as well!

Considering this is Thanksgiving week, I'll go ahead and say Happy Birthday, as well!


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Posted 18 Years Ago

Hello, I'm the self appointed welcoming committee from the Profileowners Assosiation. Just so you know, we expect a well groomed profile with plenty of content [arms crossed, tapping foot]