Antonio Valentino : Writing

Fee line

Fee line

A Poem by Antonio Valentino

Fee line Our cliffs always were just a little too far apart to jump across, weren’t they Separated by an abys..
The Pulse Of Our Depart

The Pulse Of Our Depart

A Poem by Antonio Valentino

The Pulse Of Our Depart The days They are like desperate soldiers continually marching over the next hill..


A Poem by Antonio Valentino

Heartwood As the candle, burned down In the end, there was ink An ocean of feelings all dro..
Ocean Waives

Ocean Waives

A Poem by Antonio Valentino

Ocean Waives Everything always washes from land toward the ocean. The leaves and the garbage and my friend Pabl..
Poem For Newtown Tragedy

Poem For Newtown Tragedy

A Poem by Antonio Valentino

So Tender And Mild This winter might have froze us without memories, of hope Our creation of fire was bo..


A Poem by Antonio Valentino

Within The noise, knelt on the ground serene on a hush of bedlam, finger of morning lick..
Maid In The Shade

Maid In The Shade

A Poem by Antonio Valentino

Maid In The Shade It came within the sparkle, of the heart words that I read On an autumn breeze w..


A Poem by Antonio Valentino

Engulfed These spaces warm and voiceless, a capriciousness of territory bathed in afore and aftermath, ..
Once Upon A Notion

Once Upon A Notion

A Poem by Antonio Valentino

Once Upon A Notion The train rails tried, to tie down progression Across a scape of land and lush ..
Scattered Seed

Scattered Seed

A Poem by Antonio Valentino

Scattered Seed They knew me by grains and granule of inkling, seeds of word, they used for crop ..