Should love be out of mind once out of sight?
My love has heart that always beats for me,
For close to it am I, holding her tight,
I figured thi..
When trophies rained upon my neighbor's yard,
With not a trickle spilling on my lawn,
Seems that misfortune fell on me so hard,
Thru nights of dark..
A humorous sonnet designed to amuse, employing simile, hyperbole and exaggeration. It proceeds in the second paragraph to do the exact opposite of wha..
I searched the darkness in my side of night,
So marking stars strewn in the Milky Way,
Now made familiar by my searchful sight,
That no more in ..
Time nary waits for us or for our love:
Like rose that wilts, or song that can grow old,
Or coals that glow like even stars above,
But sooner fade ..
The flower that now captivates my heart,
Become so fond of showing in my dreams,
And oh, the sweet ruse that from there would start,
Relates such d..
It's Spring! How true that love, like buds could bloom?
This heart yearns for some tenderness and care
So much, to hope such magic can resume,
Some moonlit nights have shone not very bright,
This, sadly, I found to be so oneday,
Or was it one night, that held no delight,
Could be because,..
When all the joys conspired to leave your heart,
And turned all colors that you see to gray,
Your dreams dissolved, each one, its every part,
You ..
I'll gladly share Dreamland with you always,
Not to reserve one bit for other use,
But make its days smolder and nights ablaze,
And keep each..