Cahjli Symes : Writing

Transgressional Integrity

Transgressional Integrity

A Screenplay by Cahjli Symes

The story Chronicles one very bad day in three points of view. I wrote this back in junior year. The film is meant to be a social commentary/ dark com..
Chemical X

Chemical X

A Poem by Cahjli Symes

Lol this is a way I'm going to ask a girl out...well it went well
Days of Future Past

Days of Future Past

A Poem by Cahjli Symes

Is it a happy one? ^¤^
Carrie Kelly

Carrie Kelly

A Poem by Cahjli Symes

Freedom for security?


A Poem by Cahjli Symes

a short poem about a girl i like
Dexterous Dreams Within A Desolate Crib

Dexterous Dreams Within A Desolate Crib

A Poem by Cahjli Symes

Once the party is over, you go back into the same old house full of emptiness.
A Curious Case of Artificial Intelligence

A Curious Case of Artificial Intelligence

A Poem by Cahjli Symes

How humanity is nearly losing all dependence on nature in exchange for technology.... I was bored at the beach when I wrote this.
Clenn Glose

Clenn Glose

A Poem by Cahjli Symes

There was a girl i liked and she shot me down pretty bad. Her name isn't really Titania though.
An Ode to Friends

An Ode to Friends

A Poem by Cahjli Symes

Lol well then, I've had some shitastic friends. I sometimes feel as if i can't be myself and have a sholder to cry on XD