***Check out my NEW poetry page at lividsanguine.WordPress.com ***
I am vile, highly opinionated, stubborn, and more often than not, a little bit insane. But hey, it makes life fun, right?
I'm a politically moderate American college graduate. I currently live in Arkansas with my bunny rabbits, Zombie and Rorschach. I like pie. And cheese. But not together.
I have been writing stories since before I could spell properly, and I'm sure that from the time I learned to speak, I "spoke" stories. Writing is my passion, but not my life. It is not my therapy. It is actually probably part of the reason I was in counseling. Editing my own work is frustrating to no end. I have begun several novels, and finished only two. (The first is crap.) I am sure that I will never make a career of writing, even if it makes an author of me.
I have self-published my second novel (the not-crap one). You can download for free here: