At the intersection of West Tunnel, the team chose the righthand path. Unbeknownst to them, the trap has been laid...
Stuck inside the hallowed tunnel, the team now must face the dreaded Arakis, a spider monster who torn Brad's foot without mercy...
The battle between Arakis was won by the team ft. Bohm's group, who were suddenly came to aid. Later, Bohm suggested the team to meet his friend-- a s..
Third volume of my light novel, ADV!
Second book of ADV!, the journey continues further with delight!
Thomas Kalewill now joined the team on their way to Southport.
Surviving through the night, ADV! team now embark on a ship to Southport.
In the depth, a child of man struggle to find herself while combatting a deadly creature, born from the fiery cleft beneath the frothing blues.
The Archaic Weapon-- Signifer. Water-elemental, governed by Lord of Seven Seas, the Varunastra.
The ship safely hailed at the commercial town of Southport, house of many traders from the Southern Continent. The team are to meet a certain person w..