she plays mama's belly like a drum
and giggles at the sound.
"that's where you began,"
i tell her
we were once one.
she scampers toward the fil..
inspired by robert frost's "reluctance"
this is a congrlomeration of several different poems i wrote while living in chicago and struggling to make ends meet.
This is a tribute to a friend who committed suicide in college. She also had BPD, as I do.
I wrote this en route to my grandfather's funeral
listen deep
cried out as the door
creaked closed,
the kind of cry
that makes the
head heave in its own
awful acrid now,
no no boils over into
A silent action
figure at
my table,
my fallen
plastic hero.
A dust brown
fallen dead on my
yellowed table. Late
afternoon buttermil..
I wrote this about my ex husband, four years before we got married.
morning makes me stay under, under what i’m unsure, but definitely under it all and not over anything that’s happened years ago or even ye..
lazy disarray.
energy’s ebbing. the
afterglow’s over.
bold, dark like
open windows
at night,
your bright
eyes watched
my prone fo..