redzone : Writing



A Poem by redzone

something from the past as I was re-reading some poems....
A Kiss #2

A Kiss #2

A Poem by redzone

A KISS #2   In the all too brief seconds of a kiss worlds explode like expanding ripples on a smooth lake effecting universes as they g..
A Kiss #1

A Kiss #1

A Poem by redzone

Thanks to the Seal song “Kissed By A Rose On A Grave” for both the music and for the inspiration for the poem itself.


A Poem by redzone

...just something that came to mind after reading some poetry...
Ode To A Poet

Ode To A Poet

A Poem by redzone

saw him sitting in the subway with posters of poems he wrote and headlined by "Published in the N.Y. Times" This poem is to him...
On The Train

On The Train

A Poem by redzone

Something I began a while ago and just finished.

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