implicit : Writing

the River Runs

the River Runs

A Poem by implicit

This work is an earlier version of another, already published work, entitled "I, the River"
Two Men Of One Man

Two Men Of One Man

A Poem by implicit

An alternative title for this work would be "Two Men of Two Worlds"
[Here We See the Moon's Light]

[Here We See the Moon's Light]

A Poem by implicit

Being without a title, this work took it's name from it's initial line.
I, the River

I, the River

A Poem by implicit

Under the moon, under the sun I, the river, always run My journey never done I, the river, always run Man thinks he has won But I, the river, far..
There is a time/ when all's asleep

There is a time/ when all's asleep

A Poem by implicit

There is a time When all's asleep The grass, the sky The walls, the street There is a time when all's asleep All but the river, wind, and me
Beautiful Eyes

Beautiful Eyes

A Poem by implicit

I wonder what it is about her that catches me by surprise When I far too often find myself falling into beautiful eyes of the kind of color I just c..
[ I have been taken far away]

[ I have been taken far away]

A Poem by implicit

I have been taken far awayI have been shown the depths of spaceI have traveled to many climates and culturesI have been brought to the homes of burgla..
who i am now

who i am now

A Poem by implicit

when i was youngeri often wonderedwhat it was likeinside the mindof who i am now


A Poem by implicit

i walkdown the streetthis light's outso it's dark herebut the next oneilluminates the streetwith an orangish glow
the Autumn of Man

the Autumn of Man

A Poem by implicit

the end of the august approachesi can feel iti knowthat i have brought about this autumni trytry to keep the leaves greenbut i knowit will happenagain..