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About Me

Hai Guys.
I am 11 years old.... I'm probably the youngest person on here soooooo...
Anyway I really like writing and I would like to be an author when I'm older.
My reading age is 16...
Oh god, listen to me bragging about my English skills...
And like any awesome person on the internet,I will tell you something sad that has happened in my life.
You are probably thinking "Oh No her parents are divorced" or "Oh no, she had a contagious disease and she went through a lot of treatment and pain and it's a miracle she's still alive.."
Neither of those things happened.
My mum died (almost) 2 years ago.
First of all, she got breast cancer in 2012.
The cancer went and she had this small window of health and happiness...
But then the cancer went into her brain and behind her eye.
My dad was told that she was dying...
My little sister and I didn't know until it happened.
I know it'll be hard going through life without a mother, especially when I'm at the age that I am.
My 12th birthday is in May soooooo....
If I ever have children, they won't have a grandmother....
Anyway I hope you liked that insight into my life and keep reading my stories.
P.S My blog is next to my name(I love shameless self promotion...) I don't post regularly.


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Posted 10 Years Ago

I'm going to be posting a story (soon) called Innocence. I wrote it in a PEAC writing course and it's based on my mum....