robbie baby : Writing

20 - Angst time

20 - Angst time

A Chapter by robbie baby

Taylor POV I drove to the rider side outside of Bel-air; I stepped out of the car after grabbing my iPod touch and walked over to a nearby bench an..
21 - Prom Night

21 - Prom Night

A Chapter by robbie baby

dedicated to my best friend. without her thi story wouldnt exsit today.
Falling All Over Again

Falling All Over Again

A Book by robbie baby

mike and reyna used to be best friends when she started in the wwe, but a little obsession caused their relationship to break and they have been silen..
1 - you're mine!

1 - you\'re mine!

A Chapter by robbie baby

oh noes!!
2 -  first night

2 - first night

A Chapter by robbie baby

3 - hospital

3 - hospital

A Chapter by robbie baby

4 - why...

4 - why...

A Chapter by robbie baby

do you treat me this way?
5 - you were right

5 - you were right

A Chapter by robbie baby

i do care
My Drug(why is it?)

My Drug(why is it?)

A Poem by robbie baby

He's like a drug; whenever i look at him i cant get enough of it though i look away for a bit i still have to think..... why is it? why is it th..
High School

High School

A Book by robbie baby

whoever said it was the best four years of your life...lied