N R Whyte

N R Whyte


I'm new to the site and I'm ready for feedback!


Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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About Me

I am a student at York University, finishing my fifth and final year of a double honours degree program in English and Creative Writing. My writing has improved immensely during my four years at York, though my areas of interest in writing have changed very little. I am wholly obsessed with the human body; I believe that all art is a way of transforming one’s body into media. My aesthetic concerns lie mostly in the human cognitive systems and I have just finished a poetic documentation of the anatomical human nervous system. Bridging the gap between the body and the page has always been a major concern of literature, though I believe very few writers have attempted such a blatant exploration of the body through poetry. It is my desire that my writing teach readers something about their own body, while inspiring them to continue learning about themselves.


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Posted 10 Years Ago

Just wanted to say thanks for the constructive suggestions to "Albatross". Hope you're doing ok. Will be back soon to review some of your stuff.
