Hi! My name is Becky. I'm 28 years old and I am originally from Parkesburg, PA but I currently reside with my husband, Jeremy, in Middletown, DE.
I'm a United States Air Force veteren and I have been practicing martial arts for 11 years, specifically Tang Soo Do. I'm a music lover and can listen to and enjoy just about anything.
I've been writing since I was about 11 years old. I've been in kind of a dry spell lately, but I'm hoping this site will get me inspired again. Most of my work is romance related, whether it be love, or loss, or a combination of the two. Occasionally I will write lyrics to a tune I have in my head, but mostly just poems.
I hope one day to publish a book of all of my poetry... probably along with everyone else on here, but hey, a girl can dream, right?!! :O)