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Knight, not a Saint : Writing

The Empty Bench

The Empty Bench

A Poem by Knight, not a Saint

There are no children in the park, Haven’t been for many years… There is also an empty bench, Drenched in its ..
War Cry

War Cry

A Poem by Knight, not a Saint

Have fun....!!
An honest yearn.

An honest yearn.

A Poem by Knight, not a Saint

A belonging long lost, But the sense of longing that came too late Had made her pay a huge cost, In front of her eyes, the candle ..
Look at her now....

Look at her now....

A Poem by Knight, not a Saint

Look at her nowThere she goes...I walk past her,But she doesn't know...She's a valleyI'll prevent the fall intoSleeping with a memory,I'll crawl away ..
A humble request...

A humble request...

A Poem by Knight, not a Saint

Behind the mask of satisfaction that you wear... Isn't there a pain??... You hear it all what others say.. What do u think u gain?? What is it that u ..


A Poem by Knight, not a Saint

Hello to all, My aim is to express a feeling that is omnipresent & is felt by everyone at some point of their life i guess...Hope u can relate to it...