PROLOGUE I step up onto the wooden platform with difficulty, steadying my crutches, as the judge bangs her gravel. I sigh, and massage the place where..
A pregnant girl is accused of murdering her boyfriend.
My Love For DinnerCreeping out of the shadowy darkness,Lying in wait for its lovely dinner,Kept a while, invis'ble by world's white starkness,Her ribs..
See Me In The WoodsAcross the meadow and into the woods,Past rocks and trees and streams,No more slippers, or wolves, or red cloaks with hoods,To a pl..
At Dawn, At DuskAt dawn there is no fear,At dawn there is no "I need to be here,"At dawn the magic word is quiet,At dawn all beings in the world are s..
Ode To My Uncle Bob's MustacheMy Uncle Bob has a mustachethat issoft as a satin pillow.When I see it twitching up and downas he talks,I smile.It wiggl..
A girl watches from the sidelines as the boy she loves falls for her sister.
The baby is born
A boy, Ivan, who witnesses his father and girlfriend die. To bring his father back to life, his twin brother is told he must kill Ivan.