Phoenix Wolf-ray : Writing

Privatize Yourself

Privatize Yourself

A Poem by Phoenix Wolf-ray

It's a song with a political theme, inspired by the election (both Canadian and American). The Canadian election is over, but it's not too late for th..
Don't Put Your Junk in My Trunk

Don\'t Put Your Junk in My Trunk

A Poem by Phoenix Wolf-ray

I remember when we used to call them 'the family jewels'. Now, it's 'his junk'. Not nearly so attractive, is it?
universe 101

universe 101

A Poem by Phoenix Wolf-ray

question everything, yes especially death and taxes let mind relax its vigilance release awareness of rules let mind flow to find new cool curio..
Love is a Hurricane

Love is a Hurricane

A Poem by Phoenix Wolf-ray

a metaphysical song
The Women Are Rising

The Women Are Rising

A Poem by Phoenix Wolf-ray

a song written the first Int'l Women's Day after the massacre at L'Ecole Polytechnique
Body's Plea

Body\'s Plea

A Poem by Phoenix Wolf-ray

body's longing to be inhabited fully by spirit: a poem


A Poem by Phoenix Wolf-ray

metaphysical prophecy poem of revolution and awakening of Goddess
The Morning After

The Morning After

A Poem by Phoenix Wolf-ray

the morning after the night before, a poem
What Do I Want? Honey, I'll Tell You What I Want

What Do I Want? Honey, I\'ll Tell You What I Want

A Poem by Phoenix Wolf-ray

desire manifesto in prose poem form

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