Polly Taylor : Writing

Girly Delight

Girly Delight

A Poem by Polly Taylor

My first
The Secret

The Secret

A Poem by Polly Taylor

A whisper of knowledge lays lodged in my throat shattering truths- tickle prised lips A ghost, a memory A betrayal once known Deters the sec..
the words

the words

A Poem by Polly Taylor

when the words of a great poem escape you
Flamingo Pink

Flamingo Pink

A Poem by Polly Taylor

I changed my hair today I don’t want to be a blonde I wanted to be pink Magenta I got lost in myself Thought a new colour Might paint th..
waiting on an elsewhere engaged heart

waiting on an elsewhere engaged heart

A Poem by Polly Taylor

I could pretend, as I have done before -and shall do again That I do not mind, that it is her eyes you look to -And not mine I could deny, t..
Cheap Mascara Days

Cheap Mascara Days

A Poem by Polly Taylor

Heavy eyelids close beneath tired lashes Black kohl smudges mark the day's ruins The wavering scent of a rich perfume- Lings in the nostrils- bur..
WARNING!- Advisory Lyrics

WARNING!- Advisory Lyrics

A Poem by Polly Taylor

a conceise bible- not the faint hearted
3 Months I Waited

3 Months I Waited

A Poem by Polly Taylor

And in the dim light that shone I let you taste me again You traced my curves within every inch Kissing the mounds you once loved Your mouth- ..
Just a Little Bit of History Repeating..

Just a Little Bit of History Repeating..

A Poem by Polly Taylor

You asked for me and I came You told me to leave, and I left You said you needed me, then You wanted to be alone Here I am now, you need me But..
The Shifting Distance of Time

The Shifting Distance of Time

A Poem by Polly Taylor

Time is a curious thing; Mathematics made the rules Yet the flight of life Bends and breaks what Many affirm a science 60 seconds to a minute..

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