Lost souls danced in discontent.The setting sun kissed the sea as a lipsticked lover seducing with winewhilst a gentle breeze soothed the land like lo..
It can't be bought but is always for sale.Can be shared but not lent.Make your cup half empty or half full.Be spilled but not cleaned up.Build you up ..
He was pleased to find that when his cup was half empty,... it was also half full ..."The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD ..
When people ask me,"How did you sleep last night?"I look at my pillow.If there are dried drool stains on it,I say, "Great."If not,I say, "Not well."Ei..
Sometimes there is a joy I feel that could only come from the almighty.He delights in me and I in him.He is always with me.I am never alone.There is n..
The Incredulity of Saint ThomasbyCaravaggioWhat's all the excitement?What's all the fuss?Asked a simple man named Didymus.I was not there.I did not se..
How strong is your fear?How real is your God?How deep is your faith?Perhaps it is time to find out,when there is no way outand you can't run from it ...