A poem, reasons why I write I suppose, just popped into my head and started flowing. :)
Moving on, first line popped into my head when I started drinking, everything else followed once I got a document opened, kept repeating till then, th..
Misery, mc is confronted.
Hell of a line in this one, I like it, lots of something of writing in it, some term to describe something that happens in it, imagery I believe, anyw..
A Plea happens I suppose. Writing will tell. Let the characters talk among themselves in my mind, that's how I write, let them write the story, their ..
Alright, well, no idea where this is going, hope it gets good, just a lot more years to go, well this should be fun writing over twenty seven billion ..
Purgatory wip.
No idea what this will be, started this drunk, sci fi maybe, fantasy, maybe, who knows, lets see where my mind goes. Leaning towards sci fi.
The first chapter, a bit confusing, but worth it once figured out, but not too confusing.
Pronceations Vel-grr
The consequences of the first chapter.