For all the men, who showed me how to be a man
Written while abroad in South Africa. A reflection on my existence and the sacrifices it took for me to be here.
Words can be so simple, yet so complex.
The namesake of a poetry collection I curated back in 2017, which I want to get published one day. Written on the heels of a torrential downpour and i..
What does it mean to understand? How do you know when you understand someone, or something?
As children we are taught the primary questions, the 5Ws and H. Out of all the questions, the why has always been the most interesting.
Another piece from the abandoned random word project. Starter words supplied by an acquaintance, Ben. Titled by my poetry brother, Malik.
Another piece from the abandoned random word poems project. Inspired by a fellow poet, friend, and brother, Malik.
A piece out of an abandoned project where I had people give me 10 random words to create a poem. This would have been the introductory piece.
I usually don't write poetry about myself, but there's a first time for everything right? A reflection on the mask I, and everyone wears to conceal ou..