Walked around the block, went to take some coffee.I had a pretty rough day, was really tired but didn't wan't to go to sleep. So I wen't to Progresso,..
I think but I don't think,I laugh but I don't laugh,I speak but then I'm in silence,I appreciate but I despise.I love but I hate.I am a despicable lov..
There once was a boy,so pale, so white, so snow.He truly felt like a wooden toy,A child's play, years to go.Yet he was a human, like the son of Truman..
There once was a strange man,big eyes, big head, big everything,he even had a big soul,which was the rarest of them all.At a certain day,quite unbelie..
Yellow apples make love with red apples: the oranges are born.The night ran away like shooting stars that escape from home.Some random line set the la..
Fog ghost was cryingbecause he wanted to see.His eyes are frozen(and his tears are ice crytals)but his mind is warmlike a shooting star.His hair is a ..
This is a poem that a cute old lady that I didn't know gave me on the bus when I was going home from school. I was sleeping and when I woke up I saw h..