prema : Writing



A Poem by prema

MY SORROWMy sorrow is pouring down from the skyWetting the earth making it fertileNew life sprouts , but will it grow and bear f..


A Poem by prema

DoubtDoubt is me when I visit bookshopwhich one to buy --forYou cannot judge a book by its cover. Doubt is not me when I open up a..


A Poem by prema

ChastityA seed cracked and sprung out a seedlingIt has to grow without any nurturingNo one cared or lovedWhatever earth and sky offered..
passing time

passing time

A Poem by prema

Passing time While watching the passing TIMEOnce or twice I did realizeIts refusal to move alongDid it's halt match with my mood ?P..


A Poem by prema

I was made to live the life of a loner . Kept away from society . The hurt and pain I felt for being lonely is inexpressible . Yet I try to find hap..
Voices from Graveyard

Voices from Graveyard

A Poem by prema

My Life


A Poem by prema

It is my attitude


A Poem by prema

Words fail me when I think of writing harmony that is found in Nature because it is too beautiful. So I thought of penning disharmony which we humans ..
Yet he was a man

Yet he was a man

A Poem by prema

Yet he was a manThere was a lady who loved a manVery same man who led two livesThe exterior she took to be trueThe other she had to discover.Da..
A poor soul

A poor soul

A Poem by prema

A poor soulA child is born, a poor soulBorn out of love, not of foulNot out of wish, but of fateFor to be loved by all, not for hate.With ..