please don't review any of my stuff right now, im still in the process of adding my old stuff back up. thanks! i'll be done soon...
I love My Chemical Romance, Gerard Way, and Frank Iero <3 -they inspire me about pretty much everything in my life. i love music, art, manga, and obviously writing. they're my life. lyrics and poems mean a lot to me. i think really deeply about things a lot, which i guess is why i love expressing myself.
oh btw, a lot of stuff on here is now really old so try to ignore it because theyre really baddd. i love getting reviews so thanks so much if u give me them! (btw i log in almost every day but it keeps me logged in on my comp so wen it says my last login was forever ago, thats actually false)
ey wuv oo su mooch! gerard way. <3
frank iero. you are so f*****g hardcore, and so, so adorable. <3