Wrote this a while ago, but lost it in The GREAT DELETE.
This is a review for Shinedown's most recent studio album, released June 24th, 2008.
Something I wrote for Kristin Brecoe's contest... then I realized I was supposed to write a poem... I'll get on that now. lol
Written for the There Was Nothing But Sad Goodbyes... contest.
Feeling tired. I've had a long dang week.
Based on the novel CATCHER IN THE RYE by J.D. Salinger and inspired by Salinger's writing style. =) I infused my own style with his, as it was present..
Largely inspired by Avril Lavigne's song by the same name.
I hate the movie Cujo, because it's too tense. It makes me nervous.
Splat, splat, splat, splat, splat, splat, splat, splat... like the tick of a clock. My butt is cool through my jeans, pressed against the concrete. I ..
Wow. So the title for this astounds me. Don't know where it came from, but it blows ME away. About being bitten in the behind... Feeling vulnerbale on..