Clarisse Nanoit

Clarisse Nanoit


I want to write as often as I used to.

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Help end world hunger
By clicking on the link above, you can play a vocabulary game, and for every question you get right, sponsoring businesses donate enough money for 100 grains of rice to feed hungry people across the world! PLEASE PLAY.

**MY NEW WRITERSCAFE RULES (PLEASE READ): PLEASE do not send me a read request if you do not want a CONSTRUCTIVE and helpful critique/review. I don't hold anything back, and I don't sugar coat much. I will tell you what I really think about the writing I read. If you send me a friend request and subsequently send me 24823098 read requests without reading even ONE of my pieces, you WILL be deleted and/or receive ZERO reviews from me. Just a warning: I believe in helping writers become the best that they can be. We ALL have room for improvement, and if my reviews come off as harsh, I can promise that's not my intention. My intention is ALWAYS to help you get better. I am very straightforward about how I feel about pieces. I could say something makes no sense or comes off very flat, but my advice: just take my advice. haha. I am far from perfect, but I don't give advice that's meaningless, and if you feel I'm wrong about my review MESSAGE ME! I want to understand your intention behind the piece, if I completely misinterpreted. MOST OF ALL, I hope you've learned the cardinal rule of being a good steward of the site: be a giver as much if not MORE THAN a taker.

I ask, please, that if you read something of mine you let me know what you think, even if you think it's garbage. I'm open to discussion of my work at any time, and you know where the message button is. :D Thanks!

If you were here for THE GREAT DELETE of '08, you should appreciate the following piece:

Shameful Parent
by James K. Blaylock (of the cafe!)

where did my writings go,

were they kidnapped

to another form of space...

for they are my children;

and I'm a shameful parent



ALSO, my boyfriend is a writer on this site. You should check out his poetry. He's basically a genius at this stuff. Here: (HE RETURNS THE FAVOR ON REVIEWS! =])


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Posted 11 Years Ago

Heya ! Long time no see, just got back to writing ( I guess ) and if you have anything you specifically want me to read, go for it and send me a message. Just remembered your thoughtful reviews and yeah, just sending appreciation back. Thanks !

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Posted 12 Years Ago


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Don't worry many people think it's dirty!

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Snogging is like french kissing or kissing with tongue. haha make out perhaps?

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Posted 12 Years Ago

hi, thank you so much for the review
have a hug :D *hugs*

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Posted 12 Years Ago

I love you too! I can't wait!!! :)

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Bah I can't find the new VIQ! (I like that acronym)

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Ugh right back at ya.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Yes you did nicely! And no, its a different shirt haha.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Thank you so much for your time and review Kristen :) *Smiles*