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Indianapolis, IN
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About Me

I've been writing for about 5 years and have written over 100 poems in that span. I usually write about love heartbreak or things that have happen in my 17 years of life that I want people to hear. I hope to have my poems published so that the world reads my work and learn who eddie really is inside. I love writing peotry.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

You are invited!
Have you ever danced with someone that you had to let go of when the music thought, never to see again, or bumped into someone on the street or the bus, that moved you, and even knowing you may never meet again, still dreamt of at night? Have you found your soul-mate? We are so looking forward to tonight, as we ask you to join us, and bring on your timeless love writings. We would love to hear some good collaborations, but we also are very much looking forward to pieces that carry with one voice! Join us for an open forum, as we encourage you to call in, and dazzle us as your voices merge together live, on the air.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Nope....not from NY....I'm in the midwest....East STL.

Country talkin.....

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Posted 18 Years Ago

LMAO! It's all gravy. :P

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Dayum....you just popped up out of no where! LOL!

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Sometimes what one makes out to be love....isn't love. We, at times, believe something to be love because we have never had love before. Love get's confused with lust, and infactuation a lot......when true love is achieved, you will know. ;)

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Good sheeeit. I'll be waiting. I'm bored over here.....let's see what you've got.

*starts to play jeopardy music while waiting*

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Posted 18 Years Ago

I try and be polite. Seems kinda hard at times, but......I seem to be accomodating well to the friendly vibes. :P


Glad all is well with you....when you gonna post your other 99 poems E? Come on now......work it out.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

What up Eddie? How are you today? Thanks for the friends request. :)

Much love,

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Our emotions can build up inside us. You described your emotions well by using the weather. I liked it.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Hey welcome to Writer's cafe! Your poem Love Fall's is really great!