Poetic Beauty : Writing

Tarpeia Styled Heart

Tarpeia Styled Heart

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

A mysterious lone man sat drinking From a vat of burgundy red wine With lustful eyes shadowed in the dark As a beguiling your woman ente..
Medusa's Chattel

Medusa's Chattel

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

a little mythological a bit dark
Enchanting Riverfront

Enchanting Riverfront

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

This is based off of the Riverfront where I live
Mistress of the Night

Mistress of the Night

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

I have no idea where this came from the words were just in my mind. It is a bit dark for me
Dragon's Touch

Dragon's Touch

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Raw open and honest sexuality
Mysterious Bottle

Mysterious Bottle

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

something a little lighter
Entrusting Acceptance

Entrusting Acceptance

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Each line is written with complete Acceptance, Unconditional Love, and Engraving Devotion
Erotic Whispers

Erotic Whispers

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Sexual you have been warned
Piccadilly Lilly

Piccadilly Lilly

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

For Devons Picture This group
Scandalous Ecstasy

Scandalous Ecstasy

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Raw sexuality