Poetic Beauty : Writing

Poetic Beauty Defined

Poetic Beauty Defined

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Poetic Beauty Defined If you want to Know me Saturate yourself With my poetry Hear the words As they penetrate Your m..
Liquid Combustion

Liquid Combustion

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Liquid Combustion Kindred Spirits Dance With personal delight As adventure Soars to new heights Blended fantasies ..
Vanilla Moonbeams

Vanilla Moonbeams

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Oh spinners of dreams Come weave your Silvery scenes With intricate patterns And interlocking Threads Entwine What is dest..
Begin to Dance

Begin to Dance

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

The heart thunders Once again roaring To life After An eon of solitude It sparks with fire And rushes With a tidal wave ..
Encrypted Message

Encrypted Message

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Men are beautiful Creatures That live by Their own code What are those Codes? Don’t ask me I am still Sifting thr..
Melt With You

Melt With You

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Can you feel The heart shudder When the hand is Placed upon the breast? Do you hear The delicate Action Of the inward Bre..
I think of You

I think of You

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

I think of youand a calmwashes overmy restlesssoulI think of youand my heartbeats withrelaxingmelodiesI think of youand a smileforms onthese softlipsr..
Mystery That Is Me

Mystery That Is Me

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Laughter flows when tears should stream As sarcastic notations Grip you tight Vocal volume rises When excitement Heightens A..
Blank Pages

Blank Pages

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

This chapter is new The pages are blank So tattoo your words Within the story Spread your ink On each blue line Make this story ..


A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Let me sing you a lullabyeone that ease your troublesand make you sighone in which theworld will fall awayas the dream statebegins to playDrift with m..