Poetic Beauty : Writing

Ingestion of Love

Ingestion of Love

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

An ingestion of LoveDust ardent pleasuresAcross thepulsingheartSending spiraling shiversOfemancipatingdesireIntangiblereactionQuakes within the soulBi..
Two Souls

Two Souls

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Poppy's contest love in five words
Grandma, I salute you

Grandma, I salute you

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Good morning Grandma I salute you For all the courage You had Though no badge Of honor Was placed on Your breast You fou..
Fabled Desire

Fabled Desire

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Febrile notionsConcocted of fableDesiresDance in theInky shadows ofThe distant sunrisePassion exhaledUpon the starGlittered nightBillowing skywardTast..
Emotional Pen

Emotional Pen

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Spilling of emotionsLeaks from a murky penDripping tears ofInkylonelinessItalicized criesMuffled in thePages of tomorrow'spillowA tangle ofCursivevine..
Hush Upon the Wind

Hush Upon the Wind

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

something a little calming and heartfelt
Wingless Angel

Wingless Angel

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

A dedication to my mother who through it all has been by my side teaching me and guiding me in the right direction. The one who loves me for all my f..
A Lover's Fruit Explosion

A Lover's Fruit Explosion

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Raspberry pleasures Taste of strawberry Delight Igniting the Mango morning To java veracity Jumping into A passion fruit ..
Jubilant Stars

Jubilant Stars

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Infusion of emotions Wield together In an agitation Of curious confusion Blithe revelation Resonates Soaring to Cosmic heig..
Tattooed Masquerade

Tattooed Masquerade

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Let the Masquerade Begin to dance With hypnotizing vigor Pulsing to a different beat Inducting wall of mirrors Detach correspondenc..