Poetic Beauty : Writing

Desert Slumber

Desert Slumber

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Air swirls with cactus flower Floating upon the warm wind During the enchanting hour As consciousness starts to bend The vast expanse of the sky..
Desert Path

Desert Path

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Reaching out into the stars Glittering with ivory light Heartstrings hold translucent scars Shimmering across the night A pale past glowing with f..
Master Painter

Master Painter

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Sunset paints the western sky Brilliant hues of red and purple Brushstrokes of a Master Painter Content with His unique art Masterpiece created wi..
Desirous Precipitation

Desirous Precipitation

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Carnal precipitation Catastrophically rains down Creating a thunderous sound Penetrating the parched ground Desirous convulsions Sporadically ..
Primal Craving

Primal Craving

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

I’m tired tonight “my love” My mind a chaotic swirl Contradicting thoughts in turmoil Wanting to openly embrace These feral t..
Steamy Moment

Steamy Moment

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Steam slowly rising Condensation clings Droplets begin to bead A transporting need Vapor calmly soars Mixing in the air Sticky upon the skin ..
Arizona Poetry Vine

Arizona Poetry Vine

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Pages upon endless pages Filled with magical words Poetry sprouting slowly Growing with care over time Blossoming into the sublime Chapter af..
Magical Pages

Magical Pages

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

These pages are filled With ardent musical notes Making the ears listen And pulsing heart elope These pages dance with love Twirling with compl..
Hushed Words

Hushed Words

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Wrote on Sept 14, 2020
Melancholy Dreams

Melancholy Dreams

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Written for a friend whose baby was born too early and was wrapped in angel wings taken to Heaven. During a time when he was drowning and lost.