Let's talk about anger.
Your anger. Mine.
Does it really matter
whose?Our anger
swells oceans, roils them
with discontent.
Is anger a state..
This is my special time
for sadness, ripe summer
when trees toss theirhair
like casual schoolgirls,butstand
otherwise still for decades.
Can tree..
The point was swans.
There were long folds bending
underneath an implication
of wings never with conscious
thought of flight, but there
were crea..
I sail into midnight
in a gown of cobwebs, in firefly earrings.
I wear no shoes. I skim barefoot
through spirits. I float above
zombie louts, thos..
This poem was written for a contest about Emily Dickinson
At the bottom of the first
the game was barely audible
over my headphones. Twelve strings
measured the afternoon.
It was a musical muse. The l..
Lady sends me when she's fine and mellow
and Mr. Five by Five tells me the news.
I slip my hips, I wiggle like I'm jello.
That ain't no jive alive ..
World of our fathers.
Second Avenue stories. Delancey Street.
Rivington railroad flat with murky secrets
tossed down the airshaft.
The wash that f..
Weary tenor man, oh why must you blow
so mean to me, baby? Why do you lilt
whisper hollow but insistent as though
every star tumbles from the sky, ..
After I loved you I became so tiny
I was microscopic. I could not be seen.
I was so quiet I could not be heard.
I was invisible. You walked past me..