A Poem by PJ
When these three words are writtenso easily can be read,When these three words are spokenso casually can be said,But when this three words lie ever,wi..
A Poem by PJ
The future is not in our stars,We hold it all in our hands.The present is whats ours,The pastlies buried in our lands.We're born to live and to die,It..
A Poem by PJ
The man that moves his mind to thoughtand sets to verse what he has caught,Is a man amongst a multitudeWhose wealth of work is never viewed.It lies, l..
A Poem by PJ
Something rotten flowed, Malignant in the Tigris,Till it choked And coughed upA torrent of dead souls, A sea of lifeless limbsAnd pitiful eyes. Only t..
A Poem by PJ
By Vanbrugh's bridge at Blenheim..
A Poem by PJ
Where seagulls on the sea breeze rise,On gilded wing I see them glide;Blue of heaven in Kentish skies,White-edged the rolling, breaking tide.And Shake..
A Poem by PJ
By day she slips into oblivionA victim of the light,And there remains, quite unobservedUntil the hand of nightDraws her out, then she aloneMakes the n..
A Poem by PJ
The seeds of doubt my thoughts encased..
A Poem by PJ
I loved you and you loved me,But somethings are not meant to be,Like lovers round a wide oak tree,I reached not you, you reached not me.---x---The bea..
A Poem by PJ
A late August Sunday saw the table laid,With the hidden cutlery out on parade.Out came each rural scene and serviette,And floral patterned Port Meiron..