Rc R. Vagilidad

Rc R. Vagilidad


I'm not a Tiger. I'm Asian, therefore I'm a Panda.

Avenida Quezon Street Sibalom, Antique, Western Visayas, Philippines
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About Me

THIS IS MY ARTWORK. Come see me at Facebook.

Favorite Quotation: "If you can't have sex, get a good massage. The endorphins will do the work, but please go for the massage."

It's been 21 years now, growing old, growing at a faster rate ever than before. Many tries, many errors committed. Nothing seems to add up on the right side. I learned and keep on unlearning it. And I don't see a better side of me. I found you one time, and the next thing I know, you are gone. Now I'm asking myself, 'Why Oh Why? What's wrong with me that I can't hold it longer?" Too much of love-sickness perhaps. I am on the spectrum of Intimacy VS Isolation. And previously I was watching a thing from Youtube - "How to be Alone", perhaps I am doing a great job following it - rather so isolated.

On the other side, thinking about how my future would look like is like a tandem of good and better. Well, I need to see things the better way than to retaliate on the worst parts of it. I see myself a better person someday. I see things as a whole, an obvious quality of a right-brained person. I don't try to look on the small things - yet so grandeur for I have to qualm out of fear. I don't know. I'm old but I'm trying to be productive - somehow for the people I endear most.

19 years of reasons aren't enough to justify the concurrent events relative to an enormous life story. Verbally poetic and scandalously imaginative. A gourmet feast with no appetite, apprehends the beautiful self-limitless satiety over good taste. Savoring the last stick of a full-packed innovative first-class tobacco all way through without hesitation to stop. Standing awkwardly, blatantly on the corner of Regret Boulevard and loving every minute of stay. Procreates sounds of Epic proportions and plays the sentimental piano where fallen keys he hath made. A mundane or usual kindred emotions packed with solemn inquiries asking 'Why he existed?'. Speaks softly but thinks otherwise. Good in bed. Loving her unconditionally, perfectly... a flawless unreasoned way to stop the world from turning. Family-oriented in such way he takes good care of the Skunk hanging on the laundry, but never did washing. A blunt nothingness, simple, humble destiny untoward to any preoccupied mind-body sensations. Dumb, prejudicial, innovative, tempted, unappreciative, loving. A student of Care. And the Chapter unwilling to close from there on.

The Next Chapter begins. I left the a-year-less-decade into something worth mustering around; twenty's.

(This POST is so 2007)

I'm 17 years old. A proud citizen of the Philippines and a proud student of West Visayas State University in Iloilo taking up Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I really love to play the piano, and one time, i ended up caught by a businesswoman, wanting me to buy a not-so-worth-a-penny Piano... she called my dad, urged him to buy the piano for me, and added that she heard me played their pianos very well.. "Very-well she said.!"
But that's not worth it! ; p

I'm also into sports; basketball games, volleyball and sort of ball-thing!! I'm also BIT addicted to WarCraft..Yes, just a bit! Because i've to spend all my day just to finish various skirmishes...Whoo... my eyes eventually burns well...Red and tired...that's all by now!! nothing more!!


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Hi friend, I hope to see you back on the Cafe soon,
and posting your new inspirations ^_^
Kindest Regards, Michael

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Posted 13 Years Ago

thanks for reviewing :)

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Posted 13 Years Ago

sayiing hello back even tho i'm not filipino heee hee :)

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Posted 14 Years Ago

btw.. i went to your fb page and there are no ways of messaging you or requesting a friendship, change that for me plz

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Posted 14 Years Ago

thanks for the very well-thought of review on Comfort Zone :D imaw gdman ta kato. hahahaha. first time kanta sa banda. lol

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Thanks so much for your review and time :)

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Posted 14 Years Ago

I don't know what it is but the title names just pour out, I just have a knack for it I guess.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Thank you so much for your review x

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Posted 14 Years Ago

thank you for your review on "quality of speech"
and for the adding me

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Than you for the add.