Scott H. : Writing

The Burdens of Bearing A Water Sign

The Burdens of Bearing A Water Sign

A Poem by Scott H.

I was born under the sign of Cancer
Twirl B***h Twirl

Twirl B***h Twirl

A Poem by Scott H.

And you see your gypsy...
Deus Ex

Deus Ex

A Poem by Scott H.

No machina
14 Red Foxes

14 Red Foxes

A Poem by Scott H.

Run run you can't catch me
Never Been to Salem

Never Been to Salem

A Poem by Scott H.

Few witches burning gets a little toasty
Standing By

Standing By

A Poem by Scott H.

About a funeral that hasn't happened yet (sometimes I think some effed-up things)


A Poem by Scott H.

An imaginary romp through faux-Paris
When the Dark Things Come

When the Dark Things Come

A Poem by Scott H.

One from the darkside
My Heart is Full of Hate Tonight

My Heart is Full of Hate Tonight

A Poem by Scott H.

A little rhyme for hatred
Anderson Cooper

Anderson Cooper

A Poem by Scott H.

An ode to the Silver Fox